open house
Homes needed for teachers and school staff. Have a home for rent or sale? Let us know!
School Board Table Talk Monday, August 1st, 5-6:30 p.m. at Warren County Middle School. Join the conversation. Discussion topics: Community Engagement and Future Planning. All are invited. Masks optional.
School Board Table Talk Monday, August 1st, 5-6:30 p.m. at Warren County Middle School. Join the conversation. Discussion topics: Community Engagement and Future Planning. All are invited. Masks optional.
Cheerleading Returns
Student Supplies
Dress Code
Return to School
summer learning info
New Stage Curtains
End of Year
Box of crayons with child writing in background.. Text: Early Release Day!
Warren County Schools, NC 1885 logo
Picture of Superintendent Keith Sutton
Text: District News. Images: pencil, book, school bus, smiley face, Warren County Schools logo
Images: students dissecting a snake and students setting up an experimental rocket to shoot into the sky. Text: Camp Warren K-12 Summer Learning Program.  Reading, Math, Science, STEM activities, Quilting, Engineering, Let's Get Fit, Creative Thinking, Credit Recovery, Read to Achieve, Career Exploration,  Social Emotional Learning and much more.  Transportation and meals will be provided. Engage, prepare, and be active! Applications due May 27, 2022. Contact your school for details.
Hispanic Heritage Book Fair
Admin Professional